With running safety being more important than ever, Chris Rider and John Cooper from The Manchester Road Runners have given their best advice to ensure safety.
With their members increasing steadily around Salford approaching the winter months, they encourage group running to reduce risk.
Club President, Chris Rider said: “We tend to pick routes in the winter which are well lit and are safe. We have people to guide the runners to ensure safety.”
The running group on Wednesdays offer different distances all heading towards The Quays.
With many members being from Salford, they regularly take part in the Saturday Peel Park run. Being an inclusive club any ability is welcome and urged to join, take part and have fun.

“It’s good to run in groups because no matter where you run you tend to find places where it will be dark and sheltered so it’s good just in case something happens,” says Chris.
Although the council has been very supportive towards the club, “They could improve lighting, I know some of our routes along the side of the canal and the river has lights which aren’t always working, it is never all fully lit.” said Chris.
John Cooper added: “They need to have plenty of public footpaths open. It’s really silly the amount of building at the minute which has blocked paths so people can’t go down them.
“If I had a pound for every time I went up to a sign which said footpath closed I’d be rich.”
Running in the dark and colder weather can really discourage many “I can imagine if people don’t feel safe when running they will just not do it.” Says Chris.
There are plenty of safety tips that runners should use particularly in the winter months. Having a decent grip on running shoes and to air on the side of caution was agreed upon by the members of the group.
Wearing something bright, reflective, which ideally lights up is the most important thing runners can do.

The Manchester Road Runners have a weekly run every Wednesday meeting at 6:30 pm ready to run at 6:45 pm at The Wharf pub.
“We tend to pick routes in the winter which are well lit and are safe. We have people to guide the runners to ensure safety,” said Chris.
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