The boss of a new Salford cyber initiative has warned Salfordians of the dangers of online scams on Computer Security Day.
David Taylor, Head of HOST Cyber (Home of Skills and Technology), highlighted the increase in cyber threats throughout the pandemic.
“As with anything, the criminals will jump on anything to make them extra money.
“With the pandemic, it’s exactly the same”, Taylor said.
He went on to add: “The kind of threats people will see now is an increase in phishing campaigns.
“Whether that be emails or text messages, people claiming to be from the NHS, or people selling PPE.”
Problems from the pandemic
During the pandemic cyber crime has seen an increase, with many scams being centred around the vaccine rollout and deliveries.
“With anything like that you just need to verify who it is that has contacted you and make sure you do your due diligence before you hand over any cash.”
Salford leads the way in helping business fight cybercrime with our unique programme. Free training & grants on offer to SMEs, freelancers & self-employed whose business involves online training @HOSTSalford #DigitalSalford Find out more at
— SalfordBusiness (@SalfordBusiness) November 26, 2021
HOST Salford, along with Salford City Council, launched ‘Cyber Salford’ in early November and provides cyber security advice to the people of Salford.
“Everyone really needs to be aware, there’s not only financial implications, there are implications to people’s safety.
“I.T is a big part of everyone’s life now. Everyone’s online somehow, whether it’s just your emails, your Facebook or you work online, cyber sort of reaches everywhere. It’s important for everyone to be safe”.
The scheme, which is running until April 2022, is helping schoolchildren and parents to be safer online,
Cyber Salford also helps those who may not normally receive access to cyber security specialists, such as those who are self-employed and smaller businesses.

Taylor, currently living in Eccles, spoke of his pride in the project and its impact in the local community.
“This is a great project to be working on, I’m really proud to be spearheading it really. There’s no better feeling than knowing you’re making a real difference.
“We’re hoping to, by the end of it, have trained 100 SMEs (Small and mid-size enterprises), 200 self-employed, 200 citizens, and that will have a massive impact on Salford in general really”.
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