There is a growing concern as university students are offering their room to rent in halls of residence.
The second national lockdown in the United Kingdom has resulted in many students left feeling alone, depressed and ultimately fed up of how their university life is going.
Students who have chosen to drop-out of the university have been advertising their room to rent through large Facebook groups, often using stock images taken from the official advertisement for the bedroom they used to use.

Experts predicted this year that the drop-out rate would be much higher than usual due to students not actually taking their A-level exams and receiving their grades through awarding bodies standardisation reports.
For some students who started their university life earlier this year, their university time has come to an end for the time being.
Now ex-students of University of Salford, who wish to remain anonymous, have expressed why they have decided to move out.
“I’m moving out because I think it’s just a bit too expensive to be sat in the room, due to Coronavirus.”
The expense of a student living in the cheapest Peel Park flat is priced at a whopping £133.12 per week. One student said that the price of their room was the main reason for them wanting to move out.
Campus Living a global student accommodation provider have been accused of being “dismissive” towards students who wish to move out of the accommodation. The company does allow students to sublet to other students of the University, but do not allow any other renters to take over the contract.
The University wellbeing team of Salford has gained praise from ex-students who said, “I’ve had great support from the wellbeing team. I got referred by there by my society’s wellbeing officer and I managed to book counselling from them!”.
Campus Living has been contacted about students leaving the accommodation, but have not yet commented on the rise of students leaving their halls of residence.
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