Proposals for a new apartment block in Kersal were discussed in a Salford Council meeting on Thursday morning.
The proposal details a new three-storey block comprising of seven apartments.
The new apartment block would replace an existing house at 7 Old Hall Road to the rear of Broughton Park, and would have car parking and cycle storage available for residents.
The proposal has been met with 27 letters of objection and 16 letters of support from residents.
Councillor Bob Clarke who represents Boothstown and Ellenbrook voted against the proposal.
He said: “I voted against it and the reason I voted against it is, I didn’t think it was in context or in keeping with the street.
“I didn’t like the design.”
Most of the objections have been in relation to how it will look in comparison to other structures in the area, and the potential increase in traffic in an already busy spot.
As stated in the meeting, one resident said: “Demolishing a perfectly good dwelling is not a sustainable form of development and should therefore be resisted.”
Aside from the letters of objection, the proposal has also received 16 letters of support.

On the meeting notes one resident said: “A development of this type is unprecedented in the area and there is a lot of demand for this type of properties for residents who are looking to downsize within the area.”
The proposals are still being discussed within Salford Council.
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