Sweaty Mama, who bring exercise classes with a difference by specialising in pre and postnatal exercise classes for mums and babies, go digital due to lockdown.
Since the national lockdown was enforced on Thursday 5th November, gyms were closed down along with various fitness and exercise venues therefore some classes decided to go online due to the new lockdown rules.
The owner of Sweaty Mama Salford, Grace Martland, set up the Salford Branch in March of this year, but due to Coronavirus, it wasn’t launched until August.
Grace Martland, who is originally from Salford, has now moved her classes online.
The Sweaty Mama classes focus on core and posture strengthening, fat burning workouts as well as more relaxed exercise classes for mother and baby as well as classes for mums-to-be.
Grace says: “There was a lot of adjusting, learning how to set up Facebook live and getting videos together.
“As soon as they announced the second lockdown, we made it clear to everyone, we’re here to get you through it, especially for first-time mothers.
“It has been a great way for them to interact with fellow mums online.”
Video Credit: Grace Martland and Sweaty Mama.
According to the Mental Health Foundation, around 68% of women and 57% of men who suffer from mental health problems are parents.
Charlotte Scanlan, a new mum, and Sweaty Mama attendee in Salford, discussed the positive impact of attending exercise classes online.
Charlotte explains: “I’m finding the second lockdown really hard as I rely on a lot of baby groups to get baby and me out of the house.
“Having limited access to my group of mum friends is difficult because they are my biggest support network.
“We can still text each other so it’s been a real boost mentally, especially with a newborn.”

Grace also went on to explain her hopes for the future as she stated: “There’s a private group you can join on Facebook and I put on three live sessions a week. I cannot wait to encourage more women to join through the week and attend the sessions when we return in person.
“If they end up missing a session, then they can always come back and watch the video later on – It’s really flexible.”
She adds: “Normally it would be one session, so I guess they’re getting their money’s worth, but they’re missing out on face to face interaction.

“Hopefully, once lockdown is over, then we can resume our classes, adhering to COVID-19 guidelines. I am feeling very positive about our future.”
Grace Martland explained how Sweaty Mama started in the first place, with its first branch opening in Chorley, Lancashire. Currently, there are 110 Franchisees and Instructors in the UK with two branches in Salford and two in Manchester.
Sweaty Mama was set up by Hannah McVerry in 2015.
“Fitness used to be something I took for granted but after my 2 children were born, it meant military planning and earning brownie points with Daddy to get half an hour to go and run 5k at my personal best speed!
Throughout the first and this second Lockdown, Sweaty Mama are now delivering all our fabulous fun sessions online to Mamas across the UK to enjoy in the safety and comfort of their own homes. We have had an overwhelming response to this and the positivity it brings to our Mamas. It is helping us all stay strong and with our mental health through this uncertain time.”
Grace added: “After having her second child in quick succession of the first and suffering a severe Diastasis Recti and a prolapse herself, Hannah McVerry trained as a Pre and Post Natal Specialist PT to understand fully her own personal circumstances. This then naturally led to gaining a wealth of knowledge and experience and a passion to help other Mamas on their postpartum fitness journey too. At Sweaty Mama we understand that every woman’s pregnancy, birth, and recovery are unique. We prioritise fully getting to know our Mamas prior to and at our sessions to assist them individually as well as a group. We create a community environment and a safe place to exercise at an individual level with the expert advice to guide each Mama.”
Hannah finally discussed her hopes for the future.
“We would love to continue to grow to help support more and more women pre and postnatally through our niche sessions. Helping women safely exercise whilst spending precious time with their little ones in a safe, fun and relaxed environment with a community of women who support each other so positively.”
To find out more information, check out their website: https://sweatymama.com/
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