Salford brewery Seven Brothers is closing its doors and moving back online in light of the lockdown starting on Thursday.
SEVEN BRO7HERS was planning to open a pop-up beerhouse in MediaCityUK on Wednesday Novembe 4r, but due to the announced lockdown, this has been delayed and staff are having to be furloughed.
The beerhouse was to be in partnership with Box On The Docks combining to serve drinks and burgers in a heated, quirky outdoor dining experience.

The company plans to reopen as soon as the lockdown is lifted.
We have had to down tools 😫
We are sad to announce that our plans to open @MediaCityUK are on hold. Due to Thursdays pending lockdown we are forced to delay the opening of the pop up.
We will monitor the situation closely and plan to open as soon as the lockdown period ends.— SEVEN BRO7HERS BREWING CO. (@SEVENBRO7HERS) November 3, 2020
Keith McAvoy, CEO, said: “We will need to access the furlough scheme to cover the closure of their beer houses across the city, this will be monitored on a weekly and daily basis.
“A shorter lockdown will have a different impact on the business than the first. Our focus will remain on brewing.”

He said: “We will continue to run our web shop delivery from the brewery.
“Customers can also purchase vouchers for our beer houses that can be used when we reopen and come out of lockdown.”
Its partner business, a gin distillery owned by their sisters, called Sis4ers is also taking orders online.
The Sisters gin distillery has launched gin-in-a-tin, pre-mixed gin and tonics in a single serving.

Lucy McAvoy, one of the sisters, said: “The tins are a great way for people to try our gins and purchase as a single serve rather than a whole bottle.
“They will be great in the fridge this lockdown or work well as stocking fillers and support a local business.”
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