The greeting cards industry in the UK is ten years ahead of the rest of the world in terms of design, according to the Greeting Cards Association. In 2016, the total number of cards sales was over £1.5 billion. People in Salford were asked what would they write to their friends. 

February 7th 2018 is “Send a Card to a Friend Day“, and it is a certain occasion for people to forget about the new technology methods of communicating and send a reason to smile to the closest ones.

People in Salford were asked by Salford Quays reporters a simple, but thoughtful question:

“If you were to send a greeting card to someone, what would you say?”

That’s what they answered:

A business as small as greeting cards provides 100,000 jobs in the UK

According to the Greeting Card Association, the industry provides the UK residents with 100,000 jobs and they include publishers, artists, photographers, verse and prose writers, trade fair organisers and retailers.

If you wish to forget about Whatsapp, Messenger and Twitter notifications, here is some inspiration to celebrate the Send a Card to Friend Day:

It is estimated that every person in the UK buys 33 greeting cards every year. During the Christmas period, charities estimate £50m is raised through their Christmas cards sales.

Loneliness rate in Salford

Having friends is an important task to complete apparently, as one out of five persons in the UK feels lonely. However, 24.3% of people living in Salford are feeling lonely.



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