SALFORD City FC are using socks appeal to raise awareness of World Down Syndrome day.
Today is the 12th World Down Syndrome day and Salford City FC are getting their fans to wear odds socks and tweet pictures with Salford FC tagged in it. They are also wearing pink t-shirts for the Twincess an awareness raising charity based in Chorley.
Salford City FC are playing Chorley tonight by coincide. They are both wearing the pink Twincess T-shirts to warm up in and are encouraging fans to wear odd socks to the event to support #lotsofsocks.
Someone who is especially interested in this is Josh Hine, striker who used to play for Chorley spoke about how he got involved with World Downs Syndrome day.
The reason behind him getting involved with it was because of two little girls Abigail and Isobel.
Getting the #lotsofsocks ball rolling for @SalfordCityFC today! Raising awareness on #WDSD17 @Twincess1 #UTA
— Will Moorcroft (@WillMoorcroft) March 21, 2017
He was doing triathlons at the time with their dad, Matt. This is where they got chatting about the disability.
After this a lot of the lads at the club got involved. Including the physio at the time Dan.
Chorley’s captain Andy Teague is an ambassador and “everyone embraced it and really got involved with it”
Hine said: “I think the main reason we all got involved was because not enough people know about kids with Downs Syndrome.”
He added “Its great the raise awareness of it”
Doots, the goalkeeper coach is massively involved with Matt and his family so he is also part of the reason why Salford have embraced it as well.
Hine added: “ It’s good that everybody involved will be doing their part for it.” #
Can everyone please wear odd socks tomorrow for World Down's Syndrome Day?
It's ok to be different. #lotsofsocks
Please RT
— Tom Rees (@TomRees_77) March 20, 2017

Will a club media officer for Salford City FC has also commented on the raising of awareness for the condition.
“As a club we are proud to be helping raise awareness on World Down’s Syndrome day!”
All of the players were more than happy to get involved, and are doing their bit by wearing the pink Twincess T-shirts and we are encouraging fans to get involved too by wearing odd socks to support the #lotsofsocks campaign.
Both clubs are delighted to be supporting and they are grateful to The National League for allowing them to show their support.
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