The British traditional fish and chip supper could be replaced by the likes of squid as government scientist’s report that sea’s around The United Kingdom are growing warmer.

The likes of cod are heading north and away from British waters.

The warmth is now attracting fish that thrive in these climates such as squid, sardines and anchovies.

Bury Sea Foods
Credit: Anam Ahmed

Squid are now being caught at 60% of survey stations in the North Sea, compared with 20% in the 1980s.

A study earlier this year found that squid appeared to be benefiting from climate change with several of the main finfish stocks decreasing. Squid has been identified as a valuable alternative fishing target, particularly in the North Sea.

Does this mean squid will slowly start to replace cod at the local chippy?

Listen to what local chippies feel about this trend



Martin Haton, a fish trader from the award- winning Bury sea-food market said: “In the last twelve months Squid has doubled in price, so I cannot understand where this rumour is coming from. I just can’t imagine it selling in chip shops.”

Martin Haton- Bury Fish Trader
Despite the statistics the town trader and many local traditional chip shops think it’s a crazy concept, Jo, the manager of ‘The Traditional town chippy’ in Bury said: “I think it’s a mad idea, we won’t be having anything to do with it because we are a traditional fish and chip shop and we’ve never sold squid.”

On the other hand, some other chip shops said that they wouldn’t mind the change.

Moll is the owner of Round Trees, a chain of Chip shops in Bury and Rochdale and said: “I wouldn’t be bothered, no one has ever asked me for quid that’s the reason I’ve never sold it.”

chippy sign

Perhaps a rise in preference would mean traditional chip shops would have to serve squid and alter their menu.

However, Squid and chips may not be the newest trend for now and efforts are underway to understand more about the sustainability of populations before they become the target of large-scale fisheries.

Anam Ahmed


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